When you listen to yourself with empathy and care and respond to yourself and then you can listen to the people around you with the same empathy and care and respond with action for them.

  • When you know your true self, what you value, what your areas of strength and weakness are … YOU show up more grounded as a leader; not reactionary, not egotistical, not leading out of fear or scarcity or defensiveness.

  • Then environments in which you lead become less toxic and negative and more impactful in the work you do.

  • And you become a healthier and happier human being.

Get Ahead

People need purpose and meaning and connection. They want to feel happier and feel they have impact and empowerment in their jobs. They want a leader who is real. That can show up alongside them. A person who cares and guides and is imperfect. A leader who knows their strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures and is willing to be transparent and vulnerable with that. A leader who has authentic confidence. This leader is you. You can be this person and have great success and impact in the work you are leading or part of leading. All It takes is a little time and practice to build or strengthen your own 'foundation' and have the courage to step into this. When you know yourself you can leader yourself and then others.

Pricing options

You have two options to choose from. You can make a one time payment of $697 or alternatively make 4 monthly payments. Whatever works best for you and your budget

Our Course Starts on February 18th, 2021:

When you pay in full $50 of your registration is donated on your behalf to Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids www.bb4ck.org to support the work they do.